My Psoas Savvy Practitioner referral page provides a wide range of health, movement, and somatic professionals who have completed a minimum of 42 hours of Psoas education and understand how to support the Psoas without engaging in invasive or manipulative techniques. This list includes professionals who are certified in a variety of specific fields governed by a board in his or her own profession. Please be sure the individual practitioner is currently licensed as well as addresses any questions or concerns you may have before selecting to work with them. If you have any feedback you wish to share with me, please feel  welcomed to contact me.

Disclaimer: This list is in no way a substitute for seeking and/or obtaining qualified medical attention. If you have a medical condition please contact your primary care physician. Use this list solely to further your personal wellness strategies. I take no responsibility and do not guarantee your experience working with any of the following individuals. I have not approved their work with the psoas or the quality of their professional expertise. Although I have worked with each person (and personally like each one!), I do not have the ability or authority to recommend and/or judge the individual’s level of qualifications in his or her particular profession. Each individual listed below is also unique in his or her approach and style of working. By using this referral list you accept full responsibility and recognize that you, your heirs, or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Liz Koch or Core Awareness workshops should you for any reason incur an injury (physical, emotional, or in any form whatsoever) caused by the referral person’s negligence and/or any other acts caused by the individuals on this referral list.

Each * next to the person’s name indicates a return to the Professional Application Course to deepen their personal experience and stay current with new updates on my approach to the complex Psoas.

Each ! represents completing the Advanced Practitioners Mentorship Training

United States

Name: Julie Anderson * (workshop sponsor)
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist
Area of Expertise: Relaxing & Energetic Massage, Participates in Forgotten Solider Program (CA)
Business Telephone: limited schedule  private clients
Business Address: Meadow Vistsa, CA (both USA & Canada)

Name: Sarah K Borda CMT, NCBTMB*
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist
Area of Expertise: Myofascial Release
Business Telephone: 908-879-4020
Business Address: 137 Main St. Chester NJ 07930

Name: Janice Cathey CEO ** (workshop sponsor)
Owner of Ha.Le’ Integrative Health Clinic
Profession: CEO &  private clients – somatic practitioner
Area of Expertise: Biopsychosocial Health
Business Telephone: 615-415-0242
Business Address: 2200 21st Ave. South Suite 105 Nashville TN 37206

Name: Gregory Thomas Cartwright LMBT(NC)11331, LMT(NY), LE(NC/NY) *
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist
Area of Expertise: Certified Esalen®️Massage Therapy. Practitioner-of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®️. Certified Holistic Facials.
Business Telephone: 336-682-8856
Business Address: Koru touch INC, 2540 Greenwish Rd. Winston Salem, NC 27104

Name: Taylor Chen*
Profession: Yoga and Movement Teacher
Area of Expertise: Embodied consciousness through yoga and somatic practices
Business Telephone: 954-593-9234
Business Address: 105 Katonah Avenue, Katonah NY 10536

Name: Agnieszka K. Chren PT **
Profession: Physical Therapist
Area of Expertise: Injuries & Psoas Dysfunction
Business Telephone: Currently not seeing private clients
Business Address: Bronx & New York City Area, NY

Name: Zena Cohen **
Profession: Core Work Instructor/Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Iyengar Yoga (31 years),  Jin Shin Jyutsu (12 years)
Business Telephone: (858) 456-5009
Business Address: 1556 Caminito Selidago, La Tolla, CA 92037

Name: Cathy Corkery* (workshop sponsor) 
Profession: Yoga Teacher/Therapist, 200 hr Yoga Training, Roll Model method, Functional Synergy Therapeutic Yoga, Essential Yoga Therapy Low Back Pain
Area of Expertise: Persistent Pain, functional Movement, Chronic Pelvic Pain
Business Telephone: 563-927-6731
Business Address: 571 S. Brewer Street, Manchester, IA 52057

Name: Ginger Y. Covalt*
Profession: Holistic Health Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Registered Cranial Sacral Therapist, Raindrop Therapist, Dental Hygienist, Yoga
Business Telephone: 310-375-7872
Business Address: Los Angeles/Santa Monica Area, CA

Name: Colleen Culley*
Profession: Certified Laban Movement Analyst, International Somatic Movement Educator
Area of Expertise: Athletics, Communication, Laban/Bartenieff
Business Telephone: 917-855-1206
Business Address: 8 Greenwood St. Rochester, NY 14608

Name: Molly Deutschbein LMT, CST, BCST, CD*
Profession: Craniosacral Therapy, Doula & Educator
Area of Expertise: Pregnancy, Birth, Newborns, Baby with tongu/lip tie
Business Telephone: 585-746-4682
Business Address: Spirit Organics, 99 Cathaway Park, Rochester, NY 14610

Name: Nikole Dufelmeier*!
Profession: Certified Yoga Teacher, Melt Method Instructor, AromaTouch, M.DIV (Masters of Divinity)
Area of Expertise: AdvancedMELT Instructor (Scar Tissue), Yoga Instructor
Business Telephone: 515-230-1953
Business Address: 703 Greene St, Boone IA 50036

Name: Katie Drubel NCTMB *!
Profession: Registered Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Ortho-Bionomy, Restorative Bodywork, Trauma Resolution, & Nervous-System Support
Business Telephone: 630-336-9276
Business Address: 125 Windsor Dr. Suite 113, Oak Brook, IL

Name: Eden G. Fromberg, DO, FACOOG, ABIHM* (independent course sponsor)
Osteopathic Phys. Board Certified in OBGYN & Holistic Medicine, somatic MA, yoga therapist
Area of Expertise:
Holistic OB/GYN, osteopathic medicine, Founding Member of Fascia Research Society. Women’s health, nutrition, pelvic/sexual, pain, autoimmune, connective tissue, fascia; manual/movement therapy workshops & trainings
Business Telephone:
Business Address:
Holistic Gynecology New York, Ghent, NY 12075; also in NYC at Moving Body Resources

Name: Carol Gray* (workshop sponsor)
Profession: Midwife, LMT
Area of Expertise: Infant & Maternal Craniosacral Therapy
Business Telephone: 503-830-8995
Business Address: Portland, Oregon

Name: Regina Gregor*
Profession: Certified Massage Therapist, Advanced MELT Teacher
Area of Expertise: General, pre-natal, infant massage instructor
Business Telephone: 707-696-1102
Business Address: 306 Bettencourt St Sonoma CA 95476

Name: Greg Haggard LCMT*
Profession: Licensed Nationally Massage Therapist
Area of Expertise: Therapeutic Massage; Swedish, NMT,Myofascial, and Cranial-sacral techniques
Business Telephone: (508) 380-3445
Business Address: Turtle Dance Bodywork, 12 West Central St. Natick Center, MA 01760

Name: Kris Haley*
Profession: Pilates Instructor
Area of Expertise: Alignment & balance issues, fascia and connective tissue release
Business Telephone: 818-802-2870
Business Address: 1847 Kirkby Rd, Glendale CA 91028

Name: Jena Hennessy*
Profession: Massage Practitioner (WA State License) & Nia Teacher
Area of Expertise: Developmental & Self-healing Movement, Healing Bodywork, Dancing Your Heart
Business Telephone: 206-876-0896
Business Address: 124 N. 103rd Street, Seattle, WA 98133

Name: Miriam Jacobs*
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist, Author
Area of Expertise: Polarity, Cranial Sacral, Tarot & The Chakras:Opening New Dimensions to Healers
Business Telephone: 510-517-5649
Business Address: 4289m Piedmont Ave, Suite 201, Oakland, CA 94611

Name: Debbie Jensen*
Profession: RYT 500, RN, Member of International Association of Yoga Therapists & Yoga Alliance
Area of Expertise: Yoga
Business Telephone: 410-707-8862 or 410-884-4245
Business Address: 9275 Lapwing Ct., Columbia, MD 21045

Name: Alesia Lapinsky*
Profession: Certified Pilates Instructor
Area of Expertise: Pilates
Business Telephone: 734-417-1110
Business Address: 205 E Washington, Suite C, Ann Arbor MI 48104

Name: Serena Lucchesi*
Profession: E-RYT Yoga Alliance
Area of Expertise: Yoga, TRE, Restorative Advanced (Lasater)
Business Telephone: 650-759-8738
Business Address: 181 Flying Mist Isle, Foster City CA 94404

Name: Cheryl Montelle* (independent workshop sponsor)
Profession: Pilates Based Teacher
Area of Expertise: Certified UCLA Fitness Certification, Pilates with a somatic flair, Core work
Business Telephone: 323-791-2986
Business Address: Pilates By The Park 1512 N. Gardener, LA In Balance 11413 Moorpark St, Studio City

Name: Emily Moore*
Profession: Somatic Educator, Movement Coach, Dance Instructor, Bodyworker
Area of Expertise: Improvisation, Dance, Gyrokinesis, and MELT Method
Business Telephone: 703-927-8454
Business Address: 75 Ascan Ave. Forest Hills, NY 11375

Name: Chris Muse
Somatic Sex Educator, Sexological Bodyworker and Relationship and Intimacy Guide
Area of Expertise:
Helping people come home to their essential erotic nature through the body
Business Contact:
Does not share phone number
Business Address:
Denver CO

Name: Bill Naylor * (retired)
Profession: Massage Therapist NCBTMB #147793-00 – N.C. LMBT #54
Area of Expertise: Massage
Business Telephone: 704-331-9844
Business Address: 804 East Kingston Ave, Charlotte, NC 28203

Name: Shannon Olin PT*
Profession: Physical Therapist, Holistic Health Counselor
Area of Expertise: Cranial therapy, visceral manipulation, fascial mobilization, nutritional & lifestyle
Business Telephone: 617-512-4197
Business Address: 670 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02136

Name: Amy Rinkevich*
Profession: Registered Nurse
Area of Expertise: CranioSacral Therapy
Business Telephone: 813-951-0770
Business Address: 532 Lucerne Abe, Tampa FL 33606

Name: Janice Rutherford*
Profession: Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Body Therapy
Business Telephone: 217-355-3114
Business Address: 44 E Main St. Champaign, IL 61820

Name: Alice Steuerwald ** *(workshop sponsor and co-teacher)
Profession: Structural Body Work/ Neuro-Fascial Therapy
Area of Expertise:Strength training, Yoga Classes, Plant/Herbal healing, Inner Journey Explorations
Business Telephone: 785-393-5143
Business Address: 809 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS 66044

Name: Danica Todd*
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist
Area of Expertise: Reproductive/ Pelvic Specialist (Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®), and Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner®
Business Telephone: 843-826-0660
Business Address: 720 Magnolia Road, Suite 15, Charleston SC 29483

Name: Joanne Varni*
Profession: ERYT Yoga Instructor
Area of Expertise: Yin, Restorative, Trauma Sensitive, TRE
Business Telephone: 408-356-1118
Business Address: At Breathe Together Yoga, Los Gatos, CA (Currently online)

Name: Nadine Verdebout* (workshop sponsor)
Profession: Physical Therapist, CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage
Area of Expertise: Chronic Pain, Infants, Chronic Illness, Mental Challenges
Business Telephone: 727-535-6746
Business Address: 16161 46th St. N., Suite 1202 Clearwater FL53768

Name: Laura Ward* (co-teacher)
Profession: Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst, RSME/T, Dancer Choreographer, Teacher
Area of Expertise: Ballet, Bartenieff, Somatic Movement Education, Improvisation
Business Telephone: 646-241-8254
Business Address: New York City & Kingston NY

Name: Karen Zuckerman LMT*
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist, MELT Method Instructor
Area of Expertise: Therapeutic Bodywork, Therapeutic-grade e.o.(Raindrop tech), MELT private/classes
Business Telephone: 917-673-9935
Business Address: Wellbody, 41 Union Square West, Suite 521, New York, NY 10003


Name: Nina Isabella*
Profession: Certified Childbirth Educator, Yoga (level 2), Birth Attendant, Reiki Okuden (level 2)
Area of Expertise: Yoga pregnancy & birth, holistic birth classes, retreats & workshops, Doula, Childbirth educator
Business Telephone: 0432078899
Business Address: Classes in Melbourne, Castlemaine, Daylesford and retreats in Hepburn

Name: Kylian Martin*
Profession: Master of Creative Arts & Movement, somatic Educator: Restorative Yoga Teacher
Area of Expertise: Nervous System Repair,  Art of Deep Rest, Trauma Resolution, Healing compromised Sacro-iliac Joint/Unstable Pelvis, Creativity Coaching
Business Telephone: + 61 418 686 426
Business Address: Byron Bay, Global Skype & Online courses and offerings across Australia


Name: Mina van Brunschot ** (workshop sponsor & book distributor)
Profession: Restorative Exercise Specialist, Pilates Educator
Area of Expertise: classes, natural movement, whole body alignment based on bio-mechanical principles,Pilates
Business Contact Information: +32476347792/+31653207809
Business Address: Brussels (and in The Netherlands)

Name: Hilde Naedts – Bewegen in Aandacht
Profession: Integrative physiotherapist, Bodyworker, Mindfulness & Self Compassion trainer , Yoga teacher, Massage therapist
Area of Expertise:  Focusing, Voice Dialogue, Body Awareness, Brainspotting, TRE, Fitzmaurice Voicework, Cranio-sacral & Shiatsu therapy
Business Contact Information: 0032 498290042
Business Address: Leliestraat 38 – 2540 Hove, Antwerp


Name: Karina Ackert, RMT*
Profession: Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Teacher, Clinical Director of Metta Massage & Yoga Clinic
Area of Expertise: Massage Therapy, Therapeutic Yoga
Business Telephone: 613-724-4747
Business Address: 421 Richmond Rd. Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2A 4HI

Name: Julie Anderson * *(workshop sponsor)
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist
Area of Expertise: Relaxing & Energetic Massage, Participates in Forgotten Solider Program
Business Telephone: (530) 878-4562
Business Address: Dunvegan, NS (Both USA & Canada)

Name: Neelam Bains BSc., DO (MP)*
Profession: Osteopath, Somatosensory Embodiment Practice
Area of Expertise: Osteopathy and Somatic explorations
Business Telephone: 905-626-7836
Business Address: Beaches, Toronto, Canada

Name: Brenda Dowell *
Profession: Certified Yoga Teacher /Certified Thai Massage Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Hatha Yoga and Tai Yoga Massage
Business Telephone: 519-782-3468 /519 319 2378
Business Address: Enjoy The Journey, 4529 East Rd. Port Stanley, ON N5L1A7

Name: Julie James*
Profession: Spa Owner and Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Jin Shin Do, BodyMind Acupressure, Massage and Spa Practitioner, Yin Yoga Teacher
Business Telephone: 250 653 4688
Business Address: Solace Organic Spa, 111 Saltair Lane Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1Y5 Canada

Name: Rachelle Singh * (workshop sponsor)
Profession: Movement Educator
Area of Expertise: auto-immune/ inflammatory /trauma, and hypermobility.
Business Telephone: 514-654-1908
Business Address: 1357 rue Shefford suite 108 Bromont Quebec (teaches in USA & Canada)


Name: Francesca Nespolo PT*
Profession: Physical Therapist, Pilates Instructor
Area of Expertise: Physical injuries, therapy, Pilates, yoga, surfing ergonomics
Business Telephone: 56993258656
Business Address: Arica, Chile

Czech Republic

Name: Michaela Olivie Cusanova*
Profession: Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Tao Teacher
Area of Expertise: Body Awareness, pelvic health, female sexuality, yoga therapy, tao; intuitive, body/emotions relationships
Business Telephone: +420 732126023
Business Address: Prague, Czech Republic


Name: Lise Lang*
Profession: Psychomotor therapist, Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral therapist
Area of Expertise: Body Awareness, Stress-reduction, complicated pain course
Business Telephone: +45 40 88 44 25
Business Address: Skovtoften 15B, 7182 Bredsten, Denmark

Name: Lene Guldbech Uttrup **! (workshop sponsor, book distributor, product supplier)
Profession: Psychomotor therapist
Area of Expertise: Body Awareness, Sensory Awareness/Integration, Stress-reduction
Business Telephone: +45 6138 8924
Business Address: Sundergade 61, 8783, Hornsyld, Denmark

Name: Louise Timm*
Profession: Pre & post natal yoga teacher & Doula
Area of Expertise: Pre & post natalyoga, teaching birth preparation & attending births.
Business Contact Information: 0045 26131975
Business Address: Østerbrogade 56E 2100 København Ø Denmark


Name: Joanna Cruickshanks
Profession: Student/Artist/Soma-naut
Area of Expertise: Working through/with/from my bio intelligence to innovate and create
Business Telephone/Email:
Business Address: 14 Charmouth Grove, Poole, Dorset, UK BH14 0LP

Name: Andrea Franzi DO*
Profession: Osteopath
Area of Expertise: Cranial/Sacral for All Ages
Business Telephone: 01904 693197
Business Address: Galtres House, 3 Lysander Close, York Y030 4GE

Name: Martin Grasby L.Ac., MBTER, BA (UK)**
Profession: Acupuncturist, Bowen Technique Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Recovery from physical and emotional trauma
Business Telephone: 01608 664664 or 01926 450990
Business Address: 14 Market Place, Shipston on Stour, Warks CV36 4AG

Name: Carole Justice Gray
Profession: Chronic Pain Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Chi Kung & MELT METHOD Teacher, Buteyko Practitioner, Human & Canine Bowen Technique Practitioner (Canine Teacher) BAUK & Canine Bowen Technique CBTA/EGCBT.
Business Telephone: 07535 980007
Business Address: Northamptonshire, UK

Name: Daniel Lee**
Profession: Shiatsu & Bugi Therapist, Qi Gong Teacher
Area of Expertise: Back problems & facilitating self-help approaches to health
Business Telephone: 01275 393367 or 07747623097
Business Address: Bristol, UK

Name: Karin Major *
Feldenkrais Movement Teacher and Ride with Your Mind Coach
Area of Expertise:
Riders & Sports Movement
Business Telephone:
07879 412 469
Business Address:
Overdale E.C. Nether Westcote, Chipping Norton Oxon, UK OX7 6SD

Name: Nadia Smith De Nekludoff **
Master Practitioner Tui Na Chinese Medical Massage
Area of Expertise:
Qi Gong
Business Telephone:
00 44 1600 890737
Business Address: 
Tump Lane Chinese Therapies Clinic, Doward, Whitchurch, Ross on Wye, Herefordshire HR9 6DU + Plus appointments available in London

Name: Jo Osborne * (workshop co-teacher)
Equine Therapist, Riding Instructor (BHSIT), Massage & Movement Therapist, Taijwuxigong
Area of Expertise:
 Horses at liberty /free choice and a somatic approach to riding
Business Telephone:
07771 870389 / 01483 414330
Business Address:
Surrey, UK

Name: Michael Cairns Patrick BTAA, BTA (UK), ITEC*
Bowen Technique
Area of Expertise: 
Bowen Technique
Business Phone: 
020 8525 4806
Business Address: 
Studio B. electric Lofts. 9-11 London Lane, London E8 3PR.UK

Name: Adriana Pegorer* (workshop co-teacher)
Dance artist, teacher, researcher
Area of Expertise:
Argentine Tango, Contact Improvisation, Contact Tango, Pilates, Fascial Fitness
Business Telephone:
0044 (0) 7974 619570
Business Address:
London UK

Name: Peggy Sheldon *
Profession: Massage and Bodywork ITEC Dip. MFPHYS. M.I.P.T.I.
Area of Expertise: Bowen, NST Therapy, Massage, Cranial Sacral, Nutrition
Business Telephone +44(0) 208554 1569
Business Address: 3 Airlie Gdns. Ilford, Essex 1G1 4LB UK

Name: Elizabeth Tustain *
Profession: British Wheel of Yoga Teacher (B.W.Y.Dipl,) / Diploma Course Tutor  D.C.T.
Area of Expertise: Yoga Therapy
Business Telephone: 01562 777 515
Business Address: The Old Oak Barn, Clattercut Lane, Rushock, NR. Droitwich, Worcs, UK WR9 0NN


Name: Werner Kail*
Profession: European Certificate for Psychotherapy
Area of Expertise: Gestalt-Therapy
Business Telephone: 056199 6548
Business Address: 8, rue de la Poste 31700 Cornebarrieu, Toulouse France


Name: Jutta Niedernhöfer*
Profession: Physikalische Therapie, Ortho-Bionomy ® Advanced Practitioner, Integrative-OrthoPraktik ®, Entspannungstherapeutin, PMR, AT
Area of Expertise: Treatments on workplaces since 2001, Seminars, Workshops
Business Telephone: +49/2161/573573
Business Address: Dorthausen 17, 41179 Mönchengladbach, Germany


Name: Vivienne Bartley*
Profession: Chartered Physiotherapist – N.S.T. Practitioner
Area of Expertise: Musculoskeletal Dysfunction – Myofascial Release Techniques
Business Telephone: 00353 8638 62007
Business Address: 10 Meadow Brook Tramore Co. Waterford

Name: Maurita Delaney*
Profession: Chartered Physiotherapist
Area of Expertise: Myofascial Release Techniques, Neurostructural Integration Technique (N.S.T.)
Business Telephone: 00353 5991 76970
Business Address: 2 Rivercrest Sleaty Rd, Graiguecullen Carlow


Name:Delia Santangelo* (workshop sponsor, The Psoas Book (Italian translation) book distributor)
Profession: Wellness Practitioner and Facilitator
Area of Expertise: Bodywork
Business Contact Information: +39 (0)773-479046
Business Address: Via Cisterna, 25, Latina, Italy 04100


Name: Magnus Dorholt Kjeldal*
Opera singer, voice teacher, Timani teacher level 2, Ascension meditation teacher
Area of Expertise: Timani: a physical and holistic approach to singing and instruments & Ascension meditation
Business Contact Information: +47 48024022
Business Address: Juárez, Mexico (and Norway)


Name: Désirée Bourgonje- Hendriks*
Profession: Dancer, Dance teacher, Healing Tao teacher, practice for Bodywork/ Massage ( individual)
Area of Expertise: Dao vd vrouw ( women’s work), Tao inner alchemy, Tao Yin, Bodywork / Massage
Business Contact Information: phone: 0031- 6- 53305200
Business Address: Korteweg 5, 4438 AC Driewegen, Netherlands

Name: Mina van Brunschot* *(workshop sponsor & book distributor)
Profession: Restorative Exercise Specialist, Pilates Educator
Area of Expertise: Natural movement, whole body alignment based on bio-mechanical principles, and Pilates
Business Contact Information: +32476347792/+31653207809
Business Address: The Netherlands (& in Brussels)

Name: Mireille Capiau *! (workshop sponsor)
Profession: KinetiCode & Stott Pilates, Restorative Movement (K. Bowman), MELT Method, Matwork for Cancer survivors
Area of Expertise: Functional movement, restorative, alignment, balance, fascia & connective tissue issues, Pilates
Business Telephone: +31 621828376
Business Address: Rozengracht 81-S, 1016 LT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Name: Astrid Erens *!
Profession: Pilates Trainer
Area of Expertise: Pilates & Alignment
Business Contact Information: 0031-6 54 23 76 43
Business Address: J. Israelsstr. 80, 65 23 CJ  Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Name: Sjarai Meijer*
Profession: Yaaya Teacher, Dance Teacher and NASM Personal Trainer
Area of Expertise: Yaaya Method (training & hydration), dance, choreography, core stability, strength training,
Business Contact Information: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Business Address: Currently On Sabbatical

Name: Eva van der Plas
Profession: Healing Tao Teacher
Area of Expertise: Tao Yin Yoga, Women’s work,  Internal Alchemy
Business Contact Information: 0031-6-24987544
Business Address: Nieuwpoortslaan 48/1141 BT Monnickendam, The Netherlands

Name: Linda de Wolf *!
Profession: Pilates educator, personal trainer, coach
Area of Expertise: Pilates & Alignment, Personal Trainer, Reflexology, Stress Eliminator
Business Contact Information: 0031621894767
Business Address: Amsterdam/Bergen The Netherlands

New Zealand

Name: Nicole Schouwey*
Certificate Yoga Teacher Dip. I.Y.T.A (International Yoga Teacher Association)
Area of Expertise: Yoga
Business Contact Information: 0064 21 469 642
Business Address: 1 A Pompallier TCE, 3 Lamps Ponsonby, Auckland


Name: Magnus Dorholt Kjeldal*
Opera singer, voice teacher, Timani teacher level 2, Ascension meditation teacher
Area of Expertise: Timani: a physical and holistic approach to singing and instruments & Ascension meditation
Business Contact Information: +47 48024022
Business Address: Oslo, Norway  (and Juárez, Mexico)


Name: Vera Melo**
Fasciatherapy Practitioner-Perceptual; Educator (Danis Bois Method, teacher training of Perceptive Psychopedagogy, Somatic Experience Practitioner (SE),
Full Presence meditation coach (DBM), Bodynamic Foundation and Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP)
Area of Expertise: Somatic Education, Bodywork, Perspective Psychopedagogy, DBM manual therapy of Fascia
Business Contact Information: +351 966263858
Business Address: Lisbon, Portugal


Name: Hazel Jamieson*
Profession: Higher National Diploma (HND) in Complementary Therapies; Diploma in Dru Yoga
Area of Expertise: Reflexology, Swedish / Remedial Massage, Aromatherapy, Dru Yoga
Business Phone: 01651 872983
Business Address: Fieldside, Mains of Tulloch, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire AB51 8UB

Name: Eileen Reid*
Profession: Bowen & Massage Therapy
Area of Expertise: Bowen Technique
Business Phone: 0141 884-1811
Business Address: 41 Rosewood Ave. Paisley PA2 9NJ


Name: Mona Nygren*
Profession: Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Health Consultant, Vegetarian Cook
Area of Expertise: Yoga and relaxation with a focus on the Psoas.  Treatments for people and horses
Business Phone: +46 72 521 43 22
Business Address: Sweden


Name: Zeynep Celen MA*
Profession: Molecular Biology & Genetics/Environmental Science
Area of Expertise: Yoga Teacher
Business Phone: (90) 532 357 5599
Business Address: Turkey

Name: Deniz Bagan Ozogul **
Profession: Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Trainer
Area of Expertise: Yoga, Pre &Postnatal Yoga, Reiki, Shiatsu, Meditation, Relaxation, Family Constellation, Somatic Movement
Business Telephone: (90) 533 236 3925
Business Address: Turkey/ Istanbul – Sisli


Name: Marye Wyvill*
Profession: Instructor – diploma & 5 year training in Satyananda Tradition
Area of Expertise: Yoga
Business Telephone: 01570 421027
Business Address: Flat 1 Corner House, Harford Square, Lampeter Ceredigion, Wales SA43

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