Interviews with Liz Koch
Physical and Energetics of the Wild Psoas
Kimberly Ann Johnson on her Mother Circle Podcast SEX, BIRTH TRAUMA interviews Liz Koch on the Physical and Energetics of the Wild Psoas, Core Integrity, and the Rhythm…
[Read More…]Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence
Tonio Epstein of The Magical Mystery Tour, which features interviews creative and leading edge thinkers who are contributing to the “more beautiful world our heart knows is possible,”…
[Read More…]Psoas from a Chinese Medical Perspective (Part Two)
Acupuncturist & Holistic Self Care Strategist Brodie Welch (host of Healthy Curiosity) interviews Liz Koch about the psycho-emotional-somatic dimensions of the psoas from a Chinese Medicine perspective.
[Read More…]Stalking Wild Psoas
Mark Walsh of The Embodiment Podcast interviews me as the “Psoas queen” to discuss psoas as the muscle of the soul, body as process, language of the body,…
[Read More…]Self Actualization, Thriving & Showing Up As Your True Self
Wild Woman-counselor Kristy Taylor interviews Liz Koch about the symbolism and authenticity found in the Bones and how kinesthetic awareness of psoas supports both creativity and agency.
[Read More…]Psoas, Pleasure & How to Nourish Your Well-Being
Small Changes Big Shifts creator Dr. Michelle Robin interviews Liz Koch and discusses psoas, well-being, and the importance of nourishing our whole being.
[Read More…]Understanding Psoas by Changing The Language of Body (from an Object to a living Process)
Health Advocate Dr David L. Biles DDS interviews Liz Koch about the bio-intelligent psoas and the importance of changing the language of body for achieving health.
[Read More…]Core Awareness as a Means for Creativity & Self Actualization
Personal Growth & Healing Coach Evrim Numanoglu Ozgen interviews Liz Koch (for her Be A Self Made Goddess online Masterclass) about how she developed CoreAwareness™ and became an international author and…
[Read More…]Psoas from an Energetic Perspective (Part One)
Acupuncturist & Holistic Self Care Strategist Brodie Welch (host of Healthy Curiosity) interviews Liz Koch about the energetic psoas from an Eastern perspective and supportive approaches to core, curiosity, and…
[Read More…]Psoas, Eros, Motherhood, & Sexuality
Wild Woman & Birth Doula/Woman’s advocate Kimberly Ann Johnson (Activate Your Inner Jaguar) interviews Liz Koch on Wild Psoas, Birth, Orgasm, Eros and Empowerment.
[Read More…]