Unraveling Scoliosis
(Audio CD)


One hour lecture format audio CD is a laypersons approach to unraveling the patterns of scoliosis.

Unraveling Scoliosis is available via download on iTunes and via streaming, or MP3 on Amazon.

ISBN# 0-9657944-6-6



The Audio CD is approximately 60 minutes long and ships in an eco-friending recycled cardboard case to reduce plastic waste.  

Chapters include:

  • A definition of scoliosis
  • Reasons why scoliosis manifests in the body
  • Current allopathic approaches
  • Why surgery may not be the answer
  • New paradigms of thinking about scoliosis
  • Current (holistic) approaches for unraveling scoliosis

Additional information

Weight 0.02 lbs
Weight in ounces:

4 oz