Somatic Movement

Valuing Constructive Rest through Reciprocity

“Sometimes I wish I could photosynthesize so that just by being, just by shimmering at the meadow’s edge or floating lazily on a pond, I could be doing the work of the world while standing silent in the sun.” ―…

THAWING ~ your core as flowing river

Reimagining your spine as a thawing river…emergent themes…bring restorative gestures to awaken the very core of our being…. Presented April 2021. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. The River Ice Has Begun To Vanish, Famished, It…

BASIC (12-Hr) Psoas Workshop (NCBTMB Approved) via Zoom

Thank you so much for the workshop over the weekend. It was the most amazing, eye opening and inspiring workshop… It answered a lot of my questions and made me think about a whole lot more! I also really appreciate…

FUNDAMENTALS: Happy Feet ~ Happy Psoas (Zoom)

FUNDAMENTALS Happy Feet ~ Happy Psoas With its insistence on streamlining linear thinking, the dominant power structure of western society begins to loosen its grip, opening up a multidimensional world where we can think not only on our feet but…

BASIC (12-Hr) Psoas Workshop (NCBTMB Approved) Via Zoom

3-Day ONLINE Basic Psoas workshop, open to every body, limited to 15 participants This course offers a great way to learn through experience how your intelligent Psoas informs you about skeletal integrity, joint rotation, muscular tension, breathing, emotional expression, and…