Behind Core Awareness: An Interview with and about Liz KochJuly 14, 2010Movement Educator Cass Phelps interviews Liz Koch, creator of Core Awareness™, about how her work with the Psoas Muscle (more…)
The Creative Process: A Conversation with Liz Koch & MajioMarch 17, 2010Majio is a mixed media artist and the director of Anavami Center, which seeks health through expressive arts, (more…)
The Power of Sound: An Interview with Cass PhelpsJune 18, 2008Discover the power of sound for healing your psoas in my first podcast episode. Cass Phelps is a Continuum teacher and creator of Bio-Tune. Cass and I taught an experimental play workshop Primal Instincts in 2006 that focused on Biognosis…