core awareness

Returning to the Deep Feminine Current of Reality with Maya Luna

Maya Luna is an Oracular Poet and teacher of Feminine Wisdom whose work focuses on the lost feminine ways of knowing and perceiving reality. Together we meander through WILD ways of knowing lost, denied and suppressed by the dominant paradigm…

The Gentle Art of Rocking Psoas (2-hr zoom)

Tools & Techniques for Nourishing Your Psoas  Presented October 2021. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. our senses are capable of feeling waves ~  curling and uncurling  ~ as primordial impulses emerging from the center of…

Decolonizing Notions of Psoas

Decolonizing Notions of Psoas Presented October 2021. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. Core integrity is something I think each of us needs to explore in today’s world.  The agency and integrity of our own being.…