
Wilding Wednesdays ~ One Hour Weekly Movement Class

 2025 I offer a one hour weekly P S O A S  S A V V Y movement class as an opportunity to support Core Awareness integrity and a Juicy Functional Psoas. Together we’ll increase our sensory awareness through subtle…

STRONG BackBone = Juicy Psoas

Presented January 2022. This video recorded class is available by purchasing a ticket below.What does it really mean to have a strong back bone?  Is it the power of the muscular? The density of Bones?  Is it our strong legs…

BASIC (12-Hr) Psoas Workshop (NCBTMB Approved) via Zoom

Thank you so much for the workshop over the weekend. It was the most amazing, eye opening and inspiring workshop… It answered a lot of my questions and made me think about a whole lot more! I also really appreciate…

Decolonizing Notions of Psoas

Decolonizing Notions of Psoas Presented October 2021. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. Core integrity is something I think each of us needs to explore in today’s world.  The agency and integrity of our own being.…

LATS ~ Wings of Support

  The latissimus dorsi is a partner to the psoas! Emerging from the pelvic rim and out from the buttocks up into each arm, this large, versatile, and expressive tissue opens our hearts to long for and reach toward the…