Below are published articles available for free on my Core Awareness website. These articles are for educational purposes and are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice from your physician. Please consult a physician in matters relating to your health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Magazine Published PDF:
WILD PSOAS Eco-Messenger for Thriving (Massage & Bodywork Magazine)
Dem Bones (Massage & Bodywork Magazine)
The Iliopsoas: A Bio Reverent Approach (MASSAGE Magazine – Part One)
The Iliopsoas: A Practical Approach (MASSAGE Magazine – Part Two)
Birthing Fear: The Iliopsoas Muscle (Midwifery Today)
Psoas Health: Trauma Recovery Protocol (Massage & Bodywork Magazine)
Five Most Important Things To Know About Your Psoas (YOGA & Health)
The Sacred Sacrum (YOGA & Health)
Illuminating The iliacus (YOGA & Health)
Gaining Flexible Hip Joints (YOGA & Health)
Psoas, Instinctive Responses & The Healthy Pelvis (Whole Woman)
Connecting to Beyond (Interview in The Ortho-Bionomy News)
The Psoas is (Original Yoga Journal 1999)
Release Your Psoas (Original Yoga Journal 1999)
In-House Published Articles:
On-Line Published Articles:
- The Psoas Within (Positive Health Magazine)
- Why You Should Stop “Stretching” Your Psoas (Yoga Journal)
- Does the Psoas Speak Pilates? (An interview by Marguerite Ogle)
- The Primordial Psoas and the Chakra System (Positive Health Magazine)
- The Psoas is NOT a Hip Flexor (Pilates Digest)
- Case Study: Unravelling A Tight Psoas Mystery (Positive Health Magazine)
- Pilates, Psoas & Back Pain (Pilates Digest)
- Balancing Your Internal Climate (Positive Health Magazine)
- A Fluid Core: Redefining Core Strength (Positive Health Magazine)
- Iliopsoas – The Flee/Fight Muscle for Survival (Positive Health Magazine)
- Pelvic Integrity – Centering the Core (Positive Health Magazine)
- What You Need to Know About Your Psoas (Yoga Journal)
- A Key to Health, Getting to Know Your Psoas (Creations Magazine)
- Journey to the Core & Explore Your Psoas (Yoga Chicago Magazine)
- Walking with Your Iliopsoas Muscle (Positive Health Magazine)
- Release Your Psoas (Yoga Journal Magazine)