
Stalking Wild Psoas Workshop NCBTMB Accredited (Zoom) 2021

  An ONLINE 4-day process-oriented, play and re-wilding psoas workshop focuses on restoring, and nourishing your bio-intelligent psoas using micro-non-linear, multi-dimensional, fluid movement, and sound frequency. This creative offering is an opportunity to heal psoas issues and awaken your core…

Stalking Wild Psoas Workshop NCBTMB Accredited (Zoom) 2021

  An ONLINE 4-day process-oriented, play and re-wilding psoas workshop focused on restoring, through nourishing, the bio-intelligent psoas using micro-non-linear, multi-dimensional, fluid movement, and sound frequency. This offering is an opportunity to heal psoas issues and awaken your core integrity.…

Psoas & The Energy Systems

Presented June 2021. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. Within the Taoist tradition the Psoas is spoken of as the “muscle of the soul”. Merriam-Webster defines the word soul as the immaterial essence, animating principle, a…

R A G E…Fear & Psoas

  Recently while watching a dad carry his crying 2-year-old son through the airport, I heard him telling this small child to “stop it.” Sensing this dad’s frustration, I felt his threatening tone reverberating through my own body. This raised…

Embodied Yoga Summit ~ Juicy Psoas

Join me Sunday April 25th   J U I C Y   P S O A S Re~Wilding Core Expression At the very core of our being is a river of bio-intelligence and a primal tissue called psoas that flows…

Valuing Constructive Rest through Reciprocity

“Sometimes I wish I could photosynthesize so that just by being, just by shimmering at the meadow’s edge or floating lazily on a pond, I could be doing the work of the world while standing silent in the sun.” ―…