F L U I D C O R E A Way Out of Freezing Fear MAY 7th (2-Hr Movement Class via Zoom) Fear is the only instinct that has the power to immobilize us. As an involuntary muscle, psoas as…
“The couch in my therapy office is occupied mostly by white people. Anxious white people and depressed white people. Obsessive white people and compulsive white people. White people who hurt people and white people who hurt themselves. White people who…
Although culture defines “wild” as untamable, feral, out of control, riotous, ridiculous, rash, stupid, impractical, and tempestuous, it is by welcoming the wild that we avoid living a domesticated, indifferent, and unenthusiastic life. Enfolding biomorphic expression and consciously playing with…
The 2021 Application Course & Retreat has been Postponed until January 23-29 2022 S A V E T H E D A T E Be inspired from the inside out! Each year I offer my HEALING RETREAT and…
A movement-based journey of expression, meaning, and reflection through simple posture and gesture explorations. What does it take to GET BIG, to take up space, to get small… to shrink or back off, to brace and resist, or to flow and…