
FLUID CORE ~ Articulating & Hydrating Hip Joints

F L U I D  C O R E Articulating & Hydrating Hip Joints Presented August 2020. The video recording available by purchasing a ticket below. “To be in balance, the bones must be aligned along the axis of gravity,…

FLUID CORE ~ Landing & Locating Bones

F L U I D  C O R E Landing & Locating Bones Presented July 2020. The video recording available by purchasing a ticket below.   “To be in balance, the bones must be aligned along the axis of gravity,…

FLUID CORE ~ Awakening Your Primal Tubes

F L U I D  C O R E Awakening Your Primal Tubes Presented on July 2020. video recording available with purchase of ticket below Thinking and languaging spine as separate thoracic, lumbar, and cervical parts that move independently diminish…