
Q & A: What Hands-On Techniques Do You Teach For The Psoas?

A: I have many approaches for working WITH the Psoas rather than working ON the Psoas.  Once one understands the bio-intelligence of the Psoas as a messenger of the central nervous system, protocol for working with the Psoas changes.  …

Q & A: How Does The Psoas Influence Menstrual Cycles?

Q: How does the Psoas muscle influence a woman’s menstrual cycle? A: A woman’s menstrual cycles is directly influenced by the health and suppleness of their iliopsoas.  One reason for this is that the nerves of the reproductive organs embed…

Q & A: How Does The Psoas Influence Menstrual Cycles?

Q: How does the Psoas muscle influence a woman’s menstrual cycle? A: A woman’s menstrual cycles is directly influenced by the health and suppleness of their iliopsoas.  One reason for this is that the nerves of the reproductive organs embed…

Q & A: Why Does Sitting Cause Psoas Pain?

Q: Is pain in the hip, groin, and low back caused by psoas problems, especially when sitting for long periods of time? I do the simple relaxation technique (constructive rest position) and it works, but it does not last. (more…)

Q & A: Why Does Sitting Cause Psoas Pain?

Q: Is pain in the hip, groin, and low back caused by psoas problems, especially when sitting for long periods of time? I do the simple relaxation technique (constructive rest position) and it works, but it does not last. (more…)