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Wilding Wednesdays ~ One Hour Weekly Movement Class
Your home2025 I offer a one hour weekly P S O A S S A V V Y movement class as an opportunity to support Core Awareness integrity and a Juicy Functional Psoas. Together we'll increase our sensory awareness through subtle movement. 2025 Dates: April 9, 16, 23, 30 | May 7, 14, 21, 28 |...
10-Month Professional Application CourseOnline Course 2025 CANCELED
Your home"Indeed, this course created another path to take me into the infinite within, where there is no bottom or goal. I shall continue on this journey, it has just...
BASIC (12-Hr) Psoas Workshop (NCBTMB Approved) via Zoom
Your homeThank you so much for the workshop over the weekend. It was the most amazing, eye opening and inspiring workshop... It answered a lot of my questions and made me...
Joining Hands Together in the Mystery with Anasuya Isaacs
Your homeJoining Hands Together in the Mystery A Collaboration with Liz Koch & Anasuya Isaacs exploring this moment through movement and creativity "The times are urgent; let us slow down. Slowing down is losing our way... it is the invitations that are now in the world-at-large, inviting us to listen deeply, to be keen, to...
Advanced Core Awareness Mentorship – NCBTMB Zoom Approved
Your homeA 5-Week Advanced Course designed for both Laypersons & Professionals to refine your understanding of the explorations found in my book Core Awareness 5 participant mentorship In the intimacy of a small group gathering (max 5) on Zoom we will integrate the fundamental concepts for maintaining a healthy psoas. Each week we refine and articulate...