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October 6 / 13 / 20 Online Course for Physiotherapist (S. Africa)
October 6, 2020 @ 9:00 am - October 20, 2020 @ 12:00 pm
Healthy Psoas
A Bio-Intelligent Approach for Healing Injuries & Avoiding Dysfunctions
Instructor Liz Koch
A unique opportunity to explore both conceptually and somatically the primal responses of psoas as an expressive, dynamic, living process. This course is taught by a somatic educator and author with 45 years exploring the Psoas As a conceptual artist Liz has a unique understanding of healthy psoas. An international educator with no professional training or certifications in physical therapy, massage, or bodywork Liz Koch is the author of The Psoas Book ISBN#095794407 / Core Awareness: Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance ISBN: 978-1583945018 /and Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence ISBN# 978-1623173159
Primary objectives of this course:
- Through personal somatic awareness and movement explorations attendees will build the foundation for educating themselves and their client for how best to foster a healthy psoas.
- Participant will learn the benefits of non-manipulative, noninvasive approaches for working with the psoas muscle.
- Participants will learn the benefits of hydrating the NeuroCore through micro-movements including spine, psoas and connective tissue.
- Participants will learn ergonomic and proprioceptive relationships between proper movement patterns in joints and the physical and neurological comfort necessary for sustaining a healthy psoas
Course content of 3 modules of 3hrs per module:
1. Module 1
Changing The Paradigm:
- Discuss the bio-intelligent premise for working with the psoas
- Understand Psoas “muscle” not objectively but as part of a living process
- Define Fluid Core: A biological embryological model of midline
- Somatic Exploration: Experience the value of hydrating connective tissue & increasing proprioception through movement for gaining a healthy psoas.
2. Module 2
Trauma, Psoas & Primal Expression:
- Discuss why palpation & manipulation should be avoided
- Understand why stretching Psoas is counterproductive
- Define co-regulation and its relationship to proprioception
- Somatic Exploration: Explore primal gestures including fetal curl & warding off
3. Module 3
Ergonomic & Proprioceptive Psoas Re-education:
- Discuss strategies for resolving dysfunctional psoas
- Understand Psoas relationship by establishing head/pelvic core integrity
- Define articulation, centrification, and hydration within the hip sockets & ankle joint for gaining juicy psoas
- Somatic Exploration: Practice everyday support for healthy psoas
October 6, 13 & 20 (3 hours / 3 days)
Live Zoom 4:00 – 7:00 pm South Africa time