
Form & Formlessness ~ Conversing with the Amazing Sarah Byrden

The breath between form and formlessness shapes our humanness. Dissolving to show up fully in life, brings folding and unfolding queries with the tides. Who is this creature? What are elemental and foundational expressions that support and nourish being human?…

Liz Koch Interviews Denise Bloemen aka The Bone Shaman

Denise Bloemen is a Dutch therapist, TAO healer, educator, and author. She received her diploma in Heilgym Massage and Physiotechnology, which later became Physiotherapy and worked as a therapist in both hospitals and in private practice in The Netherlands. After…

BEING TOO MUCH a conversation with Anasuya Isaacs

Together Liz Koch and Anasuya (BEING TOO MUCH ATM) conjure what it means when women are told they are TOO MUCH… or not enough…and everything in between. Modernity, Patriarchy, Paternalism, Colonization, Capitalism, Racism, Religion all continue to define “Woman” –…

BEING TOO MUCH a Conversation with Anasuya Isaacs

Together Liz Koch and Anasuya (BEING TOO MUCH ATM) conjure what it means when women are told they are TOO MUCH… or not enough…and everything in between. Modernity, Patriarchy, Paternalism, Colonization, Capitalism, Racism, Religion all continue to define “Woman” –…

ReWilding Animal Body: Waking Up Our Senses

Just as every coherent animal in the wild kingdom sends messages, humans, like all mammals, gesture with the twitch of an ear, a gleam in the eye, a hair standing on end, an arc of the spine. Ignoring the wild…

FLUID CORE: Pelvic Integrity ~ A collaboration with Sue Hitzmann

Juicy Psoas A  SENSE  OF  WHOLENESS Pelvic Integrity a collaboration with Sue Hitzmann Presented May 2022. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. The pelvis is the center of gravity in an upright human. Its stability is…