Somatic Movement

FUNDAMENTALS: Self Care for Your Psoas

Self Care for Your Psoas Presented August 2020. The video recording available by purchasing a ticket below.     The best way to sustain or regain a healthy psoas is by listening to its message and resolving dysfunctional patterns and…

Stalking Wild Psoas Workshop Brighton UK

 Taste The Wild Waters of Wholeness A 3-day process-oriented re-wilding psoas workshop focused on restoring and nourishing the bio-intelligent psoas using micro-non-linear, multi-dimensional, fluid movement, and sound frequency. This offering is an opportunity to heal psoas issues and awaken your…

Psoas During Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum (5-hr) Sonoma CA

A healthy Psoas enhances every aspect of a woman’s pregnancy, the birth process, and postpartum integration.  Educating women, midwives, doulas, birth-keepers and their partners about the psoas can be vital to increasing healthy normal vaginal births. Participants will learn the importance…

Stalking Wild Psoas (18-hr) Workshop Berkeley CA

 Taste The Wild Waters of Wholeness A 3-day process-oriented re-wilding psoas workshop focused on restoring and nourishing the bio-intelligent psoas using micro-non-linear, multi-dimensional, fluid movement, and sound frequency. This offering is an opportunity to heal psoas issues and awaken your…

BASIC (12-Hr) Psoas Workshop Melbourne Australia

The 2-day Basic Psoas workshop, open to every body, offers a great way to learn through experience how your intelligent Psoas informs you about skeletal integrity, joint rotation, muscular tension, breathing, emotional expression, and organ functioning. A healthy Psoas facilitates…