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10-Month Professional Application CourseOnline Course 2025 CANCELED

February 19 @ 9:30 am - December 3 @ 1:30 pm

$995.00 – $1,200.00


“Indeed, this course created another path to take me into the infinite within, where there is no bottom or goal. I shall continue on this journey, it has just begun.”
~ Yoko 
Yasui _ Cranial Sacral Massage therapist – Australia 

“Thank you for your impressive way of sharing your being and showing us how to land into our ground, where our NS can rest deeply, and we start to experience authenticity and integrity. For me it is only a beginning, but so inviting that once on this path, one is eager to discover more. What I can integrate during this application course, I can surely bring alive with myself and my clients.            
~ Hilde Naedts – Psychotherapist – Belgium

“Working with Liz brought me in contact with myself, who I truly am, from my inner being.  Meeting for 10 months gave me time to integrate. In addition, the individual sessions, midmonth gatherings, and all the material really enriched the process!”
~ Désirée Bourgonje – Healing Tao – Netherlands

“As a bodyworker for 34 years, the 10-month Application course with Liz Koch for me was a journey of self-exploration into transformation.  It deepened my relationship with my clients’ needs and enabled me to meet them where they are in the moment, without an agenda of my own. I came out of the course with valuable, tangible, easy-to-implement tools to share with my clients that deepens their own bodies’ innate healing capacity.”
Lori Rizzuto, Lic. MsT, Bowen Practitioner – USA

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Offering my PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION COURSE as a 10-Month Online Course via Zoom brought my attention to the need and value of integrating concepts and experiences over space and time. This course is designed to deepen your experience of psoas and locate core knowing within yourself so that you show up fully, bringing your integral creative expression into the world.

10-Month Application Course for Professionals includes

1) Meeting the 3rd Wednesday of the month, for 4 hours, for 10 months (plus one make up month the following January).

2) Mid-month Peer Group Support

3) Two 30-minute Private Consultations with Liz Koch (evaluation at beginning and end of the course or 1 hour when you choose)

Our focus:

  • Conceptual & Experiential Understanding of Healthy Psoas
  • Awakening the Primal Brain and Instinctual Psoas in order to hone your ability to track and show up integral in your personal & profession life.
  • Functional Applications and Foundational Resources for integrating Conceptual/Paradigm & Language shifts into your life  & profession.
  • Homework Explorations and One Presentation required to deepen and personalize your experience.

Please note only 30 of the required 43 participatory hours will be applied to the NCBTMB certification

 The Application Course offers those licensed as Somatic Educators, Yoga Instructors, Pilates & Gyrotonic Trainers, Massage Practitioners, Body & Healing Practitioners; as well as Birth & Fitness Coaches, Dance Therapists, Martial Arts Instructors, plus all psychologists, trauma and embodiment educators to develop into Psoas Savvy educators, capable of helping others integrate and resolve psoas related issues. This course is an opportunity to heal your own psoas issues while bringing psoas awareness to your professional life.

Along with this course when possible I highly recommend joining an in-person course to establish a relationship with me. Completing the Application Course is a prerequisite but not necessarily a guarantee for joining my online Community and referral page where people can locate Psoas savvy classes and therapists in their community.

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Step away from your dedicated focus to deepen and broaden your perspective and experience your bio-intelligent core tissue called psoas. By doing so, your own psoas becomes a guide for self actualization that informs your work from deep within your core being.  A healthy psoas is the first step towards functional movement and a coherent nervous system. Having a coherent core not only supports our capacity for core strength and integrity but also nourishing a resilient life; thus offering essential components for achieving your professional goals.

Inspire your  personal and professional life

GROUP SIZE: This ONLINE Application Course is limited to a maximum of 15 participants

PREREQUISITE & REQUIREMENTS: You must be a professional: certified and/or licensed in your field (no laypersons please) and have attended a minimum of one BASIC 12-hr Psoas Workshop and preferably one Stalking Wild Psoas Workshop or 3 FLUID CORE Zoom Classes.  Please register only if qualified.  Note: You are required to attend all classes to receive NCBTMB certification and/or be eligible for my online community. 

DATES: February 19/ March 19/ April 16/ May 21/ June 18/ July 16 August 20/ September 18/ October 15/ November is tentatively scheduled for  December 3rd  (NOTE: this last month’s date will need to be rescheduled due to my international travel but will be a date everyone can attend).

Photo Credit Albrecht Dietz (Pixabay)

2025 IN_PERSON Professional Application Courses  are scheduled for Costa Rica (July) and Denmark (October)


February 19 @ 9:30 am
December 3 @ 1:30 pm
$995.00 – $1,200.00
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Workshop Cost:
$995.00 EARLY BIRD REGISTRATIONS ends February 12, 2025 / $1200.00 Regular REGISTRATION IS FINAL see full Cancellation Policy at www.coreawareness.com
Workshop Dates & Times


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10 Month Application Course
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$ 1,200.00
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Welcome to Core Awareness™

Liz Koch is an international educator and author who seeks to dissolve the objectification of “body” in order to re-conceptualize human beings as biologically intelligent, self-organizing, and self-healing. Employing biomorphic and embryonic paradigms, Liz redefines psoas as smart, expressive tissue that is both elemental and universal.

Core Awareness fosters core integrity and self-efficacy as creative and expressive human beings.

Here at Core Awareness you’ll discover new ways of understanding the psoas. In addition to the blogs there is an educationally rich sourcing free for the taking. Explore my videos, articles, podcasts, interviews, FAQ’s and community links and let yourself go wild!