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Stalking Wild Psoas Collaboration: Womb To World with Anna Verwaal Lisbon Portugal POSTPONED 2021
October 8, 2020 @ 10:00 am - October 10, 2020 @ 6:00 pm
$525.00 – $630.00The Journey that Shapes Our Life
Taste the Wild Waters of Wholeness
experience the world in new and curious ways!
Join Liz Koch and Anna Verwaal for this most extraordinary Stalking Wild Psoas Workshop ~ Womb to World: The journey that shapes our life is a process oriented workshop combining photography, storytelling, research, and movement. By exploring how each of us is shaped, quite literally, by the field of experience in the womb and therefore of life itself, we go far beyond our personal experience to taste the wild waters of wholeness that is our true birthright.
More than four decades of findings in the field of pre- & perinatal psychology and health research have shown that the conception, prenatal period and how we are born is a foundational experience that affects each of us for the rest of our lives. Not only is our capacity to form healthy relationships with loved ones affected but also our health, work choices, and day to day lives are profoundly shaped by this early non-verbal, emotional, and somatic imprint.
Focusing on both the personal and social journey this transformational workshop is for every one seeking to understand, heal, prevent, resolve and/or transcend their personal conception, prenatal, and birth imprint. Couples planning to conceive or currently pregnant who wish to consciously give their baby an optimum start in life are also welcome to participate.
Verwaal and Koch work collaboratively to offer a container of nourishment so that embryonic and birth expressions are able to find resolution without cathartic reenactments. Verwaal helps participants recognize insistent patterns that reveal life assumptions, strategies, and desires. Koch using micro-movement and sound-breath helps participants access fluid movements to dissolve, integrate, and awaken.
A creative collaboration:
International Educator Anna Verwaal, combines the latest research with her 30 years of preconception to post-natal counseling and professional work experience in all areas of maternal-child health with her stunning birth photography. The engaging images, true stories, and scientific data Anna make it clear how important it is to know more about how these preverbal pre and perinatal imprints play out in our relationships and how to move from surviving to thriving in live. Presenting her stunning photography, research, and storytelling. Anna weaves 30 + years of perinatal psychology research and her extensive professional experience to help you understand the long-term effects of your own conception, time in your mother’s womb, birth experience and early post natal experience in order to discover how these experiences might still be affecting you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If your conception was unplanned, your birth induced, or via emergency C-Section; or you were born with a tight umbilical cord around your neck, you might feel more like you are surviving than thriving. But this does not have to be the way forward. Experience how becoming conscious of your earliest imprints helps to support your human potential, personal relationships, and creative expression throughout life.
International Author & Somatic Educator Liz Koch focuses on integrating participants somatic expressions and experiences as they witness Verwaal’s photographs of the interventions and life experiences that babies have lived through and begin remembering as their own birth story. Liz brings her 43 years as a somatic educator to encourage integration and innovation. Using subtle primal movements participants begin to dissolve personal dynamics of conception, womb memory, and birth impressions held and expressed within cellular memory without eliciting cathartic reactions. Holding a container of nourishment our prenatal imprints, which may be playing out in a variety of expressions are able to dissolve in order to bring resolution. You will discover how insistent patterns reveal your life assumptions, strategies, and desires. Using micro-movement and sound-breath you will access fluid movements to dissolve, integrate, and awaken. Revitalizing the very core of your being restores and nourishes your full capacity for becoming dynamic, creative, heartfelt beings.
Anna Verwaal, RN, CLE is a maternal-child health nurse, conscious conception & birth consultant, primal period educator, midwife & doula instructor, UCLA certified lactation educator and birth photographer from the Netherlands. After a 25-year nursing career in various countries in obstetric, pediatric, neonatal hospital care, and home-health settings, working with families and babies as an educator/consultant Anna started her own private birth consulting practice. Anna is the presenter of a TEDx Talk by the same name, travels internationally giving lectures to groups and conventions, as well as offering workshops to professionals and laypeople about the long-term effects of the conception/prenatal/birth experience, the hormonal physiology of childbirth, breastfeeding, bonding, and the deeply psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of giving birth. Anna is a long-term member of APPPAH, the Association of Pre and Perinatal Psychology & Health.
Liz Koch is an international educator, author, and creator of CoreAwareness™ focusing on awareness as key for developing human potential and awakening consciousness. With 45 years experience specializing in the human core, Liz is recognized in the somatic, bodywork, and fitness professions as an authority on the core tissue called the Psoas. Both nationally and internationally published, her works include The Psoas Book, Unraveling Scoliosis CD, Core Awareness; Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance, Psoas & Back Pain CD, Mother, Maiden, Crone: Our Pleasure Playlist and her new book Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence (2019 North Atlantic Books)
RECOMMENDED: Liz interviews Anna under PODCASTS on the Core Awareness website (under resources).
CANCELLATION POLICY: International Workshop Registration is FINAL. Please read the complete cancellation policy available online before registering. If there is a waiting list, a transfer fee may apply.
NCBTMB/CEU: Petitioning Required
VERWAAL Accreditation:
— United States, workshops are accredited by the California Board of Registered Nursing, the California Association of Midwives (CAM) and Doulas of North America (DONA), and Yoga Alliance
— Netherlands, workshops are accredited by the Vereniging voor Nederlandse Reflexone Therapeuten, the Nederlandse Cranio Sacraal Vereniging (NCSV), de Vereniging Haptonomische Zwangerschapsbegeleiders, en de Koninklijke Organisatie van Verloskundigen (KNOV), de KCKZ (kraamzorg), de KTNO (Bowen Therapeuten), en het Nederlandse Register voor Osteopathie: NRO
— Slovenia, workshops are accredited by the Slovenian Nurses and Midwives Association —
— Belgium, workshops are accredited by the Federale Raad voor Vroedvrouwen, Cranio-Sacraal Therapie Vlaanderen (ICSA), Lactatiedeskundigen (CERPS), de Beroeps Vereniging voor Vlaamse Osteopaten
Liz Koch Accreditation
– United States, Liz Koch is approved by the USA National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB), as a continuing education provider.
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) Approved
This is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork for 18 hours of continuing education credit (CEU). For more information on the NCBTMB, please visit their website.