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Events at this venue

Nourishing Expression: Fluid Psoas, Primal Gestures, Archetypal Qigong on Zoom

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Fluid Psoas, Primal Gestures, & Archetypal Qigong Nourishing Expression a collaboration of energetic force   photo credit Nghang Vu (Pixabay)   NOVEMBER 12 & 13  10:00 - 2:30 CENTRAL TIME ZOOM WORKSHOP The confluence of our two bodies of work creates a unique alchemy and synergy. Together they touch, awaken, and nourish a deep longed for...


Vertical Fluidity: Primal Brain as Resource collaboration with Darrell Sanchez Ph.D.

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Presented November 2022. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. Vertical Fluidity Primal Brain as Resource Collaboration with Darrell Sanchez    Attuning to Fluid Verticality for Coherency, Juicy Psoas & Creative Potential    Join Liz Koch & Darrell Sanchez as we explore how integrating our primal brain with a fluid psoas supports skeletal...

Nourishing The Female Soul Together: Embracing Our Darkness with Anasuya Isaacs

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Nourishing The Female Soul Together Embracing Our Darkness  A Collaboration with Anasuya Isaacs exploring through, art, word, movement, sound, and reflection Photo Credit Edward Howell (Unsplash) We come together in a circle to reclaim our Sovereignty and to explore the many ways our female soul is intentionally starved of what she longs for and vitally...


Stalking Wild Psoas: Womb To World with Anna Verwaal on Zoom

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The Journey that Shapes Our Life Join Liz Koch and Anna Verwaal for this most extraordinary process oriented workshop combining research, personal exploration and movement NO RECORDINGS More than four decades of findings in the field of pre-and-perinatal psychology has shown that the moment of conception, the time in our mothers’ womb, and how we are born...


BASIC (12-Hr) Psoas Workshop (NCBTMB Approved) via Zoom

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Thank you so much for the workshop over the weekend. It was the most amazing, eye opening and inspiring workshop... It answered a lot of my questions and made me think about a whole lot more! I also really appreciate your generosity with your knowledge and not rushing through any answers to our questions. I...

$195.00 – $220.00

Stalking Wild Psoas Workshop NCBTMB Accredited (Zoom)

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  S t a l k i n g   W  i  l d   P s o a s A time for healing P A U S E Give your self  4-days to re-wild, restore, and nourish your bio-intelligent Psoas!  Using micro, non-linear, multi-dimensional, fluid movement, sound  you have the opportunity to metabolize and...


Welcome to Core Awareness™

Liz Koch is an international educator and author who seeks to dissolve the objectification of “body” in order to re-conceptualize human beings as biologically intelligent, self-organizing, and self-healing. Employing biomorphic and embryonic paradigms, Liz redefines psoas as smart, expressive tissue that is both elemental and universal.

Core Awareness fosters core integrity and self-efficacy as creative and expressive human beings.

Here at Core Awareness you’ll discover new ways of understanding the psoas. In addition to the blogs there is an educationally rich sourcing free for the taking. Explore my videos, articles, podcasts, interviews, FAQ’s and community links and let yourself go wild!