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FLUID CORE ~ Awakening Your Primal Tubes
July 7, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
$35.00F L U I D C O R E
Awakening Your Primal Tubes
Presented on July 2020. video recording available with purchase of ticket below
Thinking and languaging spine as separate thoracic, lumbar, and cervical parts that move independently diminish the power of our core. From one end to the other, all core movement is an expression of wholeness. Like a fish, or for that matter a caterpillar, our head to our tail moves as one. Stabilizing one end of the caterpillar by pressing down your finger only makes the other end of the caterpillar flail. The same is true for the head and pelvis. When one end of the spine is over stabilized (or unstable), the other end will become disorganized. To either end, our psoas messages all core disruptions. By returning core to its fluid primal origins, compensatory behaviors involving psoas often find resolution.
Liz Koch is an international educator, author, and creator of CoreAwareness™ focusing on awareness as key for developing human potential and awakening consciousness. With 45 years experience specializing in the human core, Liz is recognized in the somatic, bodywork, and fitness professions as an authority on the core tissue called the Psoas. Both nationally and internationally published, her works include The Psoas Book, Unraveling Scoliosis CD, Core Awareness; Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance, Psoas & Back Pain CD, Mother, Maiden, Crone: Our Pleasure Playlist and her new book Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence (2019 North Atlantic Books)