
Hypermobility: A conversation with Rachelle Singh

March 15, 2021 by lizkoch
Rachelle Singh, a psoas savvy movements educator from southern Quebec, has direct lived experience with hyper-mobility. Being professionally trained at the young age of four years old, Rachelle's love of movement has been her creative expression and life's passion. She was first diagnosed with... [Read more...]

Wild Discernment: A Conversation about Inner Power

October 28, 2020 by lizkoch
This free-flowing conversation emerged out of a need to discern the difference between our inner wild knowing and our savage, feral, and fawning in both gesture and intention. Stalking Wild Psoasauthor/educator Liz Koch and Activating Inner Jaguar author/educator Kimberly Johnson track their... [Read more...]

Calling in the Wild Feminine with Jessi Mendez

September 19, 2020 by lizkoch
Jessi Mendez is a wild female creature exploring Wild Essence; attuning to the wise whispers of mother nature and reclaiming the Sacred Feminine. Through intuitive knowing, medicine practices, powerful circles and ceremony Jessi calls back what is instinctual – raw – and authentically present... [Read more...]

Welcome to Core Awareness™

Liz Koch is an international educator and author who seeks to dissolve the objectification of “body” in order to re-conceptualize human beings as biologically intelligent, self-organizing, and self-healing. Employing biomorphic and embryonic paradigms, Liz redefines psoas as smart, expressive tissue that is both elemental and universal.

Core Awareness fosters core integrity and self-efficacy as creative and expressive human beings.

Here at Core Awareness you’ll discover new ways of understanding the psoas. In addition to the blogs there is an educationally rich sourcing free for the taking. Explore my videos, articles, podcasts, interviews, FAQ’s and community links and let yourself go wild!