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WiLDING Psoas Collaboration: Finding Your Voice with Angelike Valster Amsterdam NL POSTPONED 2021
September 30, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
$185.00 – $240.00Although culture defines “wild” as untamable, feral, out of control, riotous, ridiculous, rash, stupid, impractical, and tempestuous,
it is by welcoming the wild that we avoid living a domesticated, indifferent, and unenthusiastic life.
Enfolding biomorphic expression and consciously playing with Voice
deeply nourishes not only our health but also the creative expression of our soul.
Re-wilding psoas is not a sacrifice or a fix for a dilemma; rather, it is a way of participating… to consciously belong… to play!
Creating fertile territory for wilding psoas requires dissolving, de-composing, and regenerating what is stagnant in order to once again let our hearts lead us into dynamic, fresh impulses of play. In contrast to cathartic discharge, flailing dissonance, or dismissive amnesia, re-wilding is a surge that can dynamically change the course of our life. No longer controlling core behavior ~ wilding psoas becomes an expression of renewal.
Joining me to collaborate on re-wilding through finding our voice is Angelike Valster…
“If you have a voice, you can use it to connect to your core and move any obstacle that keeps you from living your potential.
Come and explore and listen, it longs to be heard !”
Angelike Valster discovered the power of her voice some ten years ago after having explored the physical layers of emotions through haptotherapy. Her Soul Voice® journey confirmed her inner knowing that we are vibrational beings and that the voice is the strongest instrument to liberate all we have stored in our bodies. Angelike is a Soul Voice® practitioner and teacher offering private sessions and workshops. Her practice ‘de kracht van je stem’ (www.dekrachtvanjestem.nl) ‘the power of your voice’ has reached people of all ages and gender to regain their pure and authentic aliveness and creativity.
Liz Koch is an international educator, author, and creator of CoreAwareness™ focusing on awareness as key for developing human potential and awakening consciousness. With 45 years experience specializing in the human core, Liz is recognized in the somatic, bodywork, and fitness professions as an authority on the core tissue called the Psoas. Both nationally and internationally published, her works include The Psoas Book, Unraveling Scoliosis CD, Core Awareness; Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance, Psoas & Back Pain CD, Mother, Maiden, Crone: Our Pleasure Playlist and her new book Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence (2019 North Atlantic Books)
Recommended Reading ~ This workshop is based on my new book Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence
“Liz Koch opens the reader to a brilliant phenomenological panorama of the human body as a shaping, a process, a Gestaltung—as the expression of our soul, intelligence, and consciousness.”
—Jaap van der Wal,MD PhD, embryologist, anatomist and (recovering) morphologist
Liz Koch, author of Core Awareness and The Psoas Book seeks to dissolve the objectification of “body” in order to reconceptualize human beings as biologically intelligent, self-organizing, and self-healing. Specifically addressing educators and therapists, she delves into the conceptual framework of core by decolonizing the popular mechanistic thinking of psoas as muscle, inviting the reader on a journey toward reengaging with life’s creative processes. The book illuminates the limitations of the predominant paradigm of body and actively explores psoas as a vital, intelligent messenger that links us to an expansive network of profound possibilities. Employing biomorphic and embryonic paradigms, Koch redefines psoas as smart, expressive tissue that is both elemental and universal. Named after the her popular exploratory workshops of the same name, Stalking Wild Psoas encourages all readers to nourish integrity and claim self-efficacy as creative and expressive individuals.