embodiment practices

Looking at Trauma through the Lens of Psoas

Looking at Trauma through the Lens of Psoas adds an essential piece to the conversation. As mammals our healthy psoas moves us through metabolizing our experiences.  Our Wild Primal Expressions are essential for both survival and thriving. How do we…

Psoas & The Energy Systems

Presented June 2021. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below. Within the Taoist tradition the Psoas is spoken of as the “muscle of the soul”. Merriam-Webster defines the word soul as the immaterial essence, animating principle, a…

R A G E…Fear & Psoas

  Recently while watching a dad carry his crying 2-year-old son through the airport, I heard him telling this small child to “stop it.” Sensing this dad’s frustration, I felt his threatening tone reverberating through my own body. This raised…

Soulful Psoas ~ A Language of Knowing 

Powerful soul-full stories emanate from the Psoas centered deep within a person’s core. The psoas is always ready to reveal its mystery to anyone willing and capable of bearing witness to the truth. Presented May 2021. The video recording is…

Embodied Yoga Summit ~ Juicy Psoas

Join me Sunday April 25th   J U I C Y   P S O A S Re~Wilding Core Expression At the very core of our being is a river of bio-intelligence and a primal tissue called psoas that flows…

Valuing Constructive Rest through Reciprocity

“Sometimes I wish I could photosynthesize so that just by being, just by shimmering at the meadow’s edge or floating lazily on a pond, I could be doing the work of the world while standing silent in the sun.” ―…