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Changing The Language of Body ~ Becoming Integral
December 3, 2020
$35.00Stalking Wild Psoas
Embodying Your Core Intelligence
Essay Seven
boundaries, edges and thresholds
Presented 2020. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below.
A Conceptual Shift Made Potent Through Movement
Psoas reveals the truth about our relationship with the earth….
By exploring my internal edges, I have found the sensory system capable of multiple levels of articulation. My intention quite literally defines where I place my attention and therefore directly influences my experience. Sensing the edges of a boundary, such as the shape of a bone or the parameter of a joint, can help to clarify and contain experience.
Permeable edges, such as those exemplified in psoas or skin, conversely, are liminal spaces that encompass otherness, providing transitional openings into a world of reciprocal relationship.
Skin is an organ of perception that expresses our embryological story, revealing ancestral patterns as well as pre-and-perinatal stresses, shocks, and exposures to physical and emotional toxins at the moment of conception, throughout fetal growth, and during the journey from our mother’s womb to this world. Turning toward my relationship with my skin, I began to explore a variety of ways of awakening what felt like a lifeless sack. Inspired by micro-movements and the power of soft puffing “o” sounds, I begin to explore the internal and external edges and thresholds of my being