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Changing The Language of Body ~ Participating With Your Organizing Intelligence
November 12, 2020
Stalking Wild Psoas
Embodying Your Core Intelligence
Essay Six
Landing & Locating
Presented 2020. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below.
Participating With Your Organizing Intelligence
A Conceptual Shift Made Potent Through Movement
Psoas reveals the truth about our relationship with the earth….
Our arrival as newborns is a landing felt deep in our bone which continues to shape our flourishing gestures. Like a tuning fork produces a pure tone, psoas is in resonance with the wisdom of our bone, vibrating the very essence of life and putting a bounce in our step. Bone offers a lightness of being – a calling from the living earth. In contrast, muscles are all about doing: fetching water and carrying wood. Marrow at the very center of bone nourishes the brain and spinal cord. To land in the marrow of our bones is to feel the essence of soul. Symbolic of the eternal in both myth and story, bone is associated with what is lasting and most significant: blood, power, and embodiment. When something is felt deep in the bone, it has landed and will stay with us forever.
The word “landing” is a term I use for feeling grounded and able to locate in space and time. Found within our bones, the sense of landing is an essential kinetic ignition we share with all mammals. Any disruption confusing our ability to land and locate in time and space is signaled as fear by our primal psoas. As a bio-intelligent messenger, psoas tracks safety, every moment of every day.
Listening to and understanding what psoas communicates takes time to develop. If we are connected to ground and can feel the earth’s rhythms, we are more readily available to be responsive and adaptive to subtle changes But if there is shock still reverberating there will be discord and disorientation.