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ONLINE Embodying WiLD Wise Woman A 5-Week Course in Questioning (ZOOM)
April 22, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - May 20, 2020 @ 9:00 pm
$125.00Embodying The WiLD Wise Woman
A 5-Week Online Course in Questioning
This is the moment, this very moment…
An invitation to stop tip-toeing around the patriarchal over-culture, to stop sleepwalking through life, to stop running from, or running to, and to simply p a u s e…. Now is the time to ask the hard questions. To nourish the animal body. To look inward and pick up the key that awakens
the WiLD wise woman within you
No more waiting for the right moment… the right moment is NOW
We are all filled with longing for the wild.
There are few culturally sanctioned antidotes for this yearning.
We were taught to feel shame for such a desire.
We grew our hair long and used it to hide our feelings.
But the shadow of the Wild Woman still lurks beneath us during our days and in our nights.
No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed.
–Clarissa Pinkola Estés
This 5- week course is brewing…as we shape this time together we sense into the aliveness of this moment…the concepts to be explored between three collaborating women and all of you. This course invites slowing down, moving within, and self-questioning as the means of inhabiting the inner Wise Woman. During our work together, we will examine the various archetypes, symbols, motifs, and life lessons found in the chosen myth Bluebeard to draw a direct line to Wild Woman. As we journey alongside one another, we will be led through dark lands, where we too, will find fragmented parts of our own psyche in order to piece our wild selves back together, bone by bone.
Let the explorations begins…
- SHRINKING – getting smaller to be the “Bigger Person” (name what you see, feel, smell, hear in the art of discernment). Seeing the story of our own naïve woman and her behavior of fawning
- MUZZLING – entrapping the “Good (nice) Girl” (don’t ask questions cause too much trouble; you’ll be nosey, overwhelming, pushy) Hearing the story of “still-enabling,” freezing, and dismissing – catching a “LIVE” one.
- GUTTING – cutting off vital Intuitive Knowing. (the wound of being dis-emboweled). Tasting the wise womb, learning to listen to our ovaries, licking our wounds. Scars stories of C-Sections and Hysterectomies.
- NAMING – standing ground, facing, longing, cunning (awakening the animal body). The body never lies…Smelling the blood scent of gut instincts and inner knowing. Stories of igniting the wild womb, laughing and awaken the creative belly core.
- DEVOURING – feeding and tending the WiLD creative Wise Woman. Movement as medicine and story as tracking. Singing over the bones and other tenacious stories of instinctual power and sweetness.
BLUEBEARD tells the tale of sabotage—both from within and from without. It speaks of a predatory force, known as the Saboteur. This force is in all of us and can make its presence known anywhere, whether it be in the marketplace, the local bar, the classroom, or in the privacy of one’s own mind. The objects of our desire, as devised by the Saboteur, are fool’s gold, which always proves subversive and destructive. This incredibly powerful force is one we must reckon.
There are ways to track the Saboteur, to discover the key questions that open the doors to knowing. By discerning approaches, and discovering our inner resources within the wild body, we can call into play the forces designed to challenge the Saboteur’s seductive power. In so doing, we bring the Saboteur out from the shadows of our unawareness and into the light of our better knowing.
In a supportive and nurturing environment, these sessions will explore how the movements within the story and the movements of our bodies work together to provide insight into our life stories and psyches…
Move from constraint and restriction to expansion in the journey toward knowing
Deepen your experience with knowing and choice making
Embody the capacity to live fully and in your power to prevail against seemingly inevitable habits, forces, and conventions
Liz Koch is a conceptual artist, international somatic educator, and the author of Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence.
Kristy Taylor M.Ed., C.C.C. is a Canadian counselor focusing on insight therapy and the Wise Woman’s journey to embody wholeness.
Deborah Schnitzer Ph.D, National 3M Teaching Fellow is a teacher, writer, filmmaker and retired professor emerita of English at the University of Winnipeg. Her fiction and film projects can be found at her personal website https://deborahschnitzer.com
NOTE: this course is a live course and will not be recorded. Please check your time zone to see if it works. If not, please let us know you are interested as we will be offering this course again for those of you outside this time range.
KEY ~ Photo credit: Michael Dziedzic Unsplash
FOREST ~ Photo by Johannes Plenio Unsplash