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Stalking Wild Psoas Collaboration: Healing The Heart of What Matters with Krista Jarrard San Marco CA
February 14, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - February 16, 2020 @ 4:00 pm
$435.00 – $545.00
Bringing in the Strength of the Ancestors to Reclaim Your Core Integrity
Exploring the shifting consciousness through movement and somatic practices
we transform and integrate an embodied ener-genetic inheritance connecting us to the strength of our ancestors
Join Liz Koch and Krista Jarrard on an adventure to “link ancestral amnesia and rootlessness to our human condition of disconnection.”* Our desire for reconnection through parents and ancestors is cellular in nature driven by a profound human longing to belong. This remarkable gene memory creates a resonance field of knowing and belonging to provide us an extraordinary tracking system allowing our hearts and bodies to remember what our minds would forget. Through embodied movement, meditations, and explorations we will bringing in the strength of our ancestors to reclaim and restore our core integrity.
A creative collaboration:
Krista Jarrard as a pioneer in the evolution of the Systemic Family Constellations brings a deep intuition and a heart centered approach to her experiential practice. Passionate about supporting the current shift in consciousness Krista will guide us both in circle meditations and constellation explorations to transform and embody the ener-genetic inheritance of our family lineage to connect us all to the strength of our ancestors.
Liz Koch using subtle primal movements helps us dissolve into our cellular memory without eliciting cathartic reactions. Holding a container of nourishment we are capable of discovering embodied, inclusive, and integrated resolution. Using micro-movement and sound-breath we access a biomorphic fluid field that dissolves, assimilates, and awaken. Revitalizing the very core of our being nourishes our capacity for becoming dynamic, creative, integral, and heartfelt beings.
Krista Jarrard is an international family systems teacher and facilitator with 18 years’ experience in the field of trans- generational healing. As a foundation for her groundbreaking work with Inclusion and Belonging, Krista founded the Center for Systemic Healing offering trainings, public workshops and remote client work. She is the author of the soon to be published book The Radical Act of Inclusion, Moving beyond the limits of Forgiveness. As a first generation US facilitator Krista has extensive training with the works originator, Bert Hellinger, in US training’s and Austria for Advanced Family Constellations, Hellinger Sciencia and Movements of the Spirit Mind. Krista has shared her extensive experience, and intuitive approach to Constellation work in presentations at many conferences and symposiums worldwide. She is a proud member of the Open University for Complementary Medicine. Krista is a third generation astrologer and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. Her website is www.FamilyConstellationWork.net
* Quoted from Krista Jarrard’s new book The Radical Act of Inclusion, Moving beyond the limits of Forgiveness
Liz Koch is an international educator, author, and creator of CoreAwareness™ focusing on awareness as key for developing human potential and awakening consciousness. With 40 years experience specializing in the human core, Liz is recognized in the somatic, bodywork, and fitness professions as an authority on the core tissue called Psoas. Both nationally and internationally published, her works include The Psoas Book, Unraveling Scoliosis CD, Core Awareness; Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance, Psoas & Back Pain CD and Mother, Maiden, Crone: Our Pleasure Playlist and her new book Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence published in 2019 by North Atlantic Books.
RECOMMENDED PODCAST: https://coreawareness.com/the-heart-of-what-matters-an-interview-with-krista-jarrard/
CANCELLATION POLICY: Co-taught Collaborative Workshop Registrations are FINAL. Please read the complete cancellation policy available online before registering. If there is a waiting list, a service fee may apply.
Photo Credit: Maree Turner http://www.pridenz.com/maree_turner.html?image=2-1295917089-32
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) Approved
This is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork for 18 hours of continuing education credit (CEU). For more information on the NCBTMB, please visit their website.