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W I L D ~ Discerning Within: A Collaboration with Kimberly Ann Johnson
November 16, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
$40.00w i l d
d i s c e r n m e n t
Discerning Within
Wild ~ Feral ~ Savage ~ Fawning
A Moving Collaboration between Liz Koch and Kimberly Johnson
Presented November 2020. The video recording is available by purchasing a ticket below.
Someone once told me that civilization is the shared obliviousness to the fact that we haven’t gotten rid of wild things, and that they dwell “within” us—somewhere beneath the threshold of normalcy. This wildness, this darkness, is not an “other.” We are continually sourced, recreated, and reconfigured here.
Bayo Akomolafe Finding the Dark: Decolonizing Darkness
Although the dictionary defines the “wild” as untamable, feral, out of control, riotous, ridiculous, rash, stupid, impractical, and tempestuous, it is by welcoming the wild that we avoid such antonyms as domesticated, indifferent, and unenthusiastic. By listening to our deep primal messages, we reclaim our birthright as expressive, dynamic, and innovative beings. As we turn toward the core, nourishing gestures, similar to a blossoming flower, feel lush within and enrich all who witness the splendor. Sustaining every gesture, our wild psoas speaks the language of the heart, and communicates what is held most dear within our bone – the felt-sense of being alive.
Signaling survival responses, this primal messenger relays disruptions and compensations that threaten our core integrity. Just as every coherent animal in the wild kingdom sends messages, humans, like all mammals, gesture with the twitch of an ear, a gleam in the eye, a hair standing on end, an arc of the spine. Ignoring the wild nature of psoas can be very dangerous.
(excerpted from Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence)
How do we know the difference between wild and ravenous? What happens when our inner wild woman is savage? Can we be feral and live among each other? What happens when we can not discern our inner wild? What if our inner wild woman is muted or silent? What if fawning is our first wild impulse? Join the conversation and the movement….
Kimberly Ann Johnson is the author of the The Fourth Trimester. and her soon to be release Call Of The Wild (due out in April 2021). She is a Certified Sexological bodyworker and Somatic Experiencing practitioner specializing in birth injury, birth trauma, and sexual healing. A lifelong yoga student and teacher, Kimberly has lead workshops throughout Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, Portugal and the US on the intersection of women’s sexuality and spirituality, . After living in Brazil for eight years, she now resides in San Diego, CA and teaches Activating Your Inner Jaguar courses online.
Liz Koch is an international educator, author, mother, crone, and creator of CoreAwareness™ focusing on awareness as key for developing human potential and awakening consciousness. With 40 years experience specializing in the human core, Liz is recognized in the somatic, bodywork, and fitness professions as an authority on the core tissue called Psoas. Both nationally and internationally published, her works include The Psoas Book, Unraveling Scoliosis CD, Core Awareness; Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance, Psoas & Back Pain CD, Mother, Maiden, Crone: Our Pleasure Playlist and her latest book Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence.