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Stalking Wild Psoas Workshop NCBTMB Accredited ~ Lawrence KS
March 24, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - March 26, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
$425.00 – $525.00

S t a l k i n g
W i l d P s o a s
A time to
Give your self 3-days to re-wild, restore, and nourish your bio-intelligent Psoas!
Using micro, non-linear, multi-dimensional, fluid movement, sound you have the opportunity to metabolize and regenerate.
(small group setting maximum 10)
This creative offering is a nourishing opportunity to heal Psoas issues and awaken your core integrity. Our soulful, animal body and true nature bound within the current social decorum, linear patterns, and repetitive movement becomes stifled and dry.
J u i c y P s o a s
from the fluids of life deep within
Awaken your inner strength and creativity!
18-hr Accredited Course
PREREQUISITE: I recommend a BASIC Psoas Workshop OR a selection of online Fluid Core Zoom classes. Contact me if you want to know if you can attend.
Wondering if this is the workshop for you? https://coreawareness.com/stalking-wild-psoas-awakening-to-our-creative-self/
NOTE: If you are having difficulty with your Psoas and/or your movement is limited, this workshop can offer you the opportunity to heal.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations in full may be made up until 30 days prior to an online workshop date. After 30 days you may check the office to see if there is a waiting list for someone who can take your place. Should you be sick, have an accident or personal crisis or simply can not attend the workshop for whatever reason no money will be refunded but you can apply your registration toward another Stalking Wild Psoas workshop. Your no show may be applied towards a future-like workshop. If you leave the workshop early for any reason no part of your registration fee will be returned or applied to another workshop. Should you cancel or not show up for the rescheduled make-up workshop/course for whatever reason, no further arrangements will be made. If I am unable to teach the workshop I will reschedule the workshop and you will have the option to attend the makeup workshop or have your money fully refunded.
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) Approved
This is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork for 18 hours of continuing education credit (CEU). For more information on the NCBTMB, please visit their website.